git skip-worktree PowerShell aliases

I frequently need Git to ignore a change I make to a file. To do that, I use git's skip-worktree feature.

These PowerShell functions make it easier and faster to mark/unmark files.


Add the code below to your PowerShell profile. To find out where that is, open PowerShell and enter: $PROFILE.

To learn more about profiles, check out the Microsoft docs.


Command: gitskipped
Description: List skipped files in git
Usage: gitskipped

function gitskipped {
(git ls-files -v $args) -split "\r\n" | Select-String -Pattern '^S ' | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output $_.Line.Substring(2)

Command: gitskip
Description: Mark file(s) as "skip-worktree" in git
Usage: gitskip .env

function gitskip {
git update-index --skip-worktree $args

Command: gitunskip
Description: Unmark file(s) as "skip-worktree" in git
Usage: gitunskip .env

function gitunskip {
git update-index --no-skip-worktree $args

Command: gitunskipall
Description: Unmark all skipped files in git
Usage: gitunskipall

function gitunskipall {
$files = @((git ls-files -v $args) -split "\r\n" | Select-String -Pattern '^S ' | ForEach-Object { $_.Line.Substring(2) })
git update-index --no-skip-worktree $files